Add-On: autoclose-html
A very helpful add-on that creates a closing html tag when the < of the opening tag has been typed.
It makes writing html much more comfortable.
But I had one problem:
After typing
, the closing tag
</ br/>
has been
inserted automatically.
I solved it by editing the source code of the package. Here is the instruction:
Open the file
. On Windows and on Linux this file
is located in the folder .atom/packages/autoclose-html/lib
in the user directory.
In that file the line 84 has to be changed from
return if partial.substr(partial.length - 1, 1) is '/'
return if partial.substr(partial.length - 2, 1) is '/'
(The functionality of the package starts, when > has been typed. So it is checked for the
character / before the >.)
Atom has to be restarted afterwards, then this problem should no longer occur.